Justin du Toit
Agricultural Economist and Managing Director (MSc Agribusiness)
Justin is the owner and founder of Vuna Agribusiness. He is an applied Agricultural Economist who uses his strengths in strategic and critical thinking to assist in working outside-the-box to integrate and apply his skills and experience to a variety of challenging consulting projects.He has experience in Angola, Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, the Sultanate of Oman, Rwanda, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania and Zambia.
Nelly Seth Mwakatundu
Co-director and Project Coordinator (BSc Environmental Science)
Nelly Seth is an environmental expert under the registration number EC/EEEIA/ 2020/0043. A young Tanzanian lady, graduated from Sokoine University of Agriculture with a Degree in Environmental Science and Management (2013). She also completed her MBA in Corporate Management at Mzumbe University (2017). Nelly is an environmental expert by training and profession. She has had various roles with larger companies since 2014.Nelly is a co-director of Vuna Agribusiness Tanzania Ltd.
Dr Jon Rutherfoord
Agronomist (PhD Agronomy)
Jon has been consulting in agribusiness and rural development since 1981, is a specialist in small-scale (emerging) farmer development with a specific focus on irrigated crop production. Jon’s role has been as project leader of large multidisciplinary teams of consultants and on-site project facilitators. He has also had many years of experience in land use planning for agricultural development including crop adaptability to the climate and soils of project sites and the determination of crop water use and irrigation requirements in these areas. -
Stephano Mpangala
Dip (Regional Development Planning)
Stephano has a degree in regional development planning and a diploma in education. Stephano values teamwork, learning and honesty. Through his work as a socio-economic development planner he has been able to work with multidisciplinary skills from different professions. Stephano actively invests in learning from other professionals in order to equip himself with knowledge of new innovations and technologies. Stephano prides himself on understanding his clients in order to manage their expectations, challenges and identify new opportunities. Stephano is currently assisting Vuna Agribusiness (Pty) Ltd with input planning and distribution in Tanzania.
Bronwyn Hall
B.com in Human Resource Management
Bronwyn has recently completed her B.com in Human Resource Management, achieved with distinction. She is passionate about people and helping them thrive.
Bronwyn is highly organised and pays attention to detail which allows her to provide excellent administrative support to the Vuna Agribusiness Team.
Bronwyn’s digital marketing experience and creative flare enables her to run our online platforms.